On A Point – Honour Edition

On A Point – Honour Edition

23 November 2017

Issue # 360

On A Point – Toastmasters Southern Africa – District Newsletter

Editor’s Note

Dear Members of District 74,

It is an honour to be part of an honorable organisation such as Toastmasters. I am sure we all have our unique testimonies of how our lives have been impacted 360 degrees by Toastmasters! Each member in District 74 and Toastmasters at large is unique and very valuable. Preparing this honour edition of On A Point, I am reminded by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar who says we should recognise and honour our uniqueness.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is a priviledge and an honour to present to you the 360th edition of On A Point newsletter!

Kind regards,

Gerson Veundja Kamatuka, DTM – On A Point Editor

Come swim with us – it will be an honour!

When I first joined Toastmasters I loved my club and benefitted greatly from the programme, the members and my mentor so when someone suggested that I visit other clubs I really did not see the point.

I was taken (practically kicking and screaming) to my first meeting at another club by my mentor. My experience was a wow one. Not because the club was better than mine and not because it was worse but because I realised that I had been swimming in a very small pond. I realised that beyond my very small pond was a bigger pond which abounded with fish with different experiences, talents and methods than the fish in my pond.

I was hooked.  So it was an easy decision to make when I was asked to take on a Leadership role, a new pond, new fish, and new experiences. I then began to see the bigger picture of Toastmasters, the true impact of the organisation and the programmes that are on offer.

I was then introduced to, what I believe is, the biggest and most exciting pond of all the ponds in District 74 – the Conference!! It is truly an amazing, inspirational and life changing experience!

I would be honoured if you would come and swim with me in this exciting pond at the Lagoon Beach Hotel in Cape Town from the 3rd to the 6th of May.

To Register click on the link below


Merryl Jubber, DTM – PR Manager

Honour on an International stage!

On the 24th of August 2017 I had the honour of representing District 74 at the World Championship of Public Speaking in Canada. It was an amazing experience and I learned so much.

When I joined Toastmasters I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I’d compete in the World Championships, but the opportunity came along and I grabbed it with both hands.

The main lesson I learned is to always be prepared for your dreams to come true, because it can happen when you least expect. I also realised that had I not entered the Speech Contest, the opportunity wouldn’t have come my way. I encourage all Toastmasters to enter Club Competitions, who knows, you may be the next World Champion!

Gary Tintinger, CC, CL – International Prepared Speech Contest Participant

Does honour play a part in Toastmaster?

When I asked where honour plays a role in Toastmasters, one of our members, Van der Spuy Brink, mentioned some of the ways…

When you put time and effort into preparing for your speeches or meeting roles, you honour yourself, your club members and the Toastmasters program. When you attend a meeting to support your fellow club members’ efforts, you are honouring them. When you listen to and applaud someone’s speech, you are honouring them.

When you provide feedback in an evaluation, you honour the person you are giving it to


When you pledge the Toastmaster’s promise, you promise to do all of the above.  This means that, apart from the Toastmasters’ values of integrity, respect, service and excellence, you also promise to honour yourself, your club members and Toastmasters.

Anlie Botha – President: Winelands Toastmasters Club


For me, it is about being – and working at being – honourable. Honest. Keeping my word. Doing what I said I would. Being truthful, gently if possible.

Honour, I think, rests on integrity. Integrity, in my book, is simply, “what I think, what I say, and what I do are consistent”.

Honour seems to me to be an internal thing.

Yes, there are the trappings of honour: Recognition, congratulations, applause, awards, position. Yet, if the honour does not come from inside, external honours are a shell sheltering a fragile ego.

Let us talk less about honour, and practice it more. Toastmasters is a good practice ground: Commit to your speech, and give it.  Commit to your role, and fulfil it.

Rick Raubenheimer, ACB, ALB – Treasurer: Transformers Toastmasters Club

What is the Toastmaster’s Honour?

Honour is defined as to hold with high respect or great esteem. Many wars have been fought for honour. For honour of one’s family, nation or freedom.

I believe the Toastmaster’s honour comes from being committed to the Toastmaster’s Promise.

Your honour comes from having dreams for your life and determining how these will be achieved through Toastmasters. You will receive the honour due to you if you strive to become that exceptional motivational speaker, hilarious comedian, intriguing story-teller or visionary leader that you have ceaselessly desired.

Therefore, achieve the goals that you have set for yourself at Toastmasters and assist your fellow members to achieve their goals too. Then you will deserve the Toastmaster’s Honour.

Tawanda Mubvumbi, CC – Area I2 Director

A legacy forged with honour!

In your Toastmasters journey you will feel the warmth of honour and integrity.

I am honoured to be in this safe, nurturing place, where I am free to explore me. Free to find out who I really am and share that, amongst honourable people.

My story comes from my journey across cultures, languages and countries. I have been honoured to work, and change lives, in Namibia, Zambia, Swaziland and South Africa. My words carry messages of hope, humanness, respect, honour and integrity.

Your legacy is to leave your life’s lessons, exploded through your magnificent words and presence, with your power to lead, honourably.Toastmasters has broadened my ability to honour and celebrate myself and others. It is your time to share your honourable truth.

Aantu oyeshi lya popi, kayeshi lya mwena. Oshiwambo. People know and help those who speak up, not those who remain silent.

Brian Moore – VPPR: Speakeasy Toastmasters Club

Honourable club, honourable people!

I joined Highway Toastmasters officially, in February 2017 but started visiting from November 2016.  I was awestruck with the way the evening was conducted.  I was hungry for more although it daunted me to even consider performing any of rhe roles, let alone speaking in front of people.  I had an inner desire to learn more.  I am now the Vice President of Public Relations and have completed my CC6.  

Toastmasters has helped me to be more outspoken and to believe in myself.  I am truly priveledged to grow in the presence of such pleasant people who desire to grow as individuals and to help others grow. A people who hold up the Toastmasters name with such honour.

Chantel Harper – VPPR: Highway Toastmasters Club

Earning my Honour with Toastmasters!

Swakopmund Toastmasters has taught me a lot about the meaning of honour. As a very busy Husband, father of 3, owner of 2 businesses and an entrepreneur, time is always an issue. 

It was a real struggle at times trying to complete my CC earlier this year and had it not been for my fellow toastmasters and EXCO pulling me along and holding me accountable I would certainly not have achieved so much in the club as I have. This taught me to honour my fellow TM’s.

In return, now as the ex SAA and current acting VPPR I am following in the footsteps and guiding and mentoring as many members as I can to help them achieve as much as possible, I believe by doing so I shall then earn my honour within the club.

Richard J Reid, CC – VPPR: Swakopmund Toastmasters Club