Emissary – Edith Nkosi

Emissary – Edith Nkosi

My name is Edith Nkosi, a proud member of Gold Reef Toastmasters Club in Johannesburg, South Africa. It took me some time to embrace the online era but since stepping out of my comfort zone in August 2020 I have visited clubs around the corner and around the world.  Mariswe Toastmasters club was the first club I visited online and I was the General Evaluator. What an experience! It remains the club I have visited the most in D74 because the reception and energy of the members is phenomenal. I always come out motivated to be a better version of myself.

My latest online meeting was on the 23rd January 2021 to MI Speak Toastmasters Club, an online club based in Canada. I am drawn by their educational slots and how seamless their meetings are run. On the 21st January 2021 I visited Eloquent Toastmasters Club in the heart of Africa, Malawi. It was a fantastic meeting with Richard Peck and over 80 other Toastmasters and guests in attendance. The Toastmaster of the Day sold Malawi in all its splendour, now a strong  contender for my next holiday outside of South Africa.