New Club – ProRelations Toastmasters Club is born

Soon after Lerato Nonyane was appointed as Area A2 director, I called her, and said, “Let’s start a club”. She excitedly took on the challenge, and we started working. After brainstorming, we decided to start this club either in Equestria or Silverton in Pretoria, South Africa, with a focus on young professionals wishing to grow in their careers. The 28th of July 2020 was our first event, and we had 8 guests on the call. Subsequent events proved to be more dismal, as our PR efforts fell flat. We went back to the drawing board and re-engineered our approach. We changed our PR primary colours, contemplated changing the name, but ProRelations sounded great on the tongue, and we broadened our niche from young professionals to professionals.

We struck gold with our first two sign ups in September 2020 and that inspired us to keep going. With a goal to charter beginning of December, we built on the momentum created and doubled up our PR efforts including follow ups and war rooms after every event. We attracted more members to our events and by the second week of December, we reached our goal.

“The steps you take after you want to quit, are the most important.

Bhekisisa Ngomane – Area A2 Director /