by Linda | Jul 10, 2019 | #onestepforward, On A Point Posts
When I turned fourteen years old, my grandfather, a tall and slim, yet very strong man, who wore an abundance of grey hair and an impressive beard, called me to his big house that had iron sheets for its roof. He was dressed in a blue work suit and had a bottle of...
by Linda | Jul 10, 2019 | #onestepforward, On A Point Posts
What an incredible year we had in 2018-2019 we broke new District 74 records, we grew the number of clubs by 12% and we now have more clubs in Southern Africa than we have ever had 217 clubs & more clubs are showing their excellence, 140 clubs are at least...
by Linda | Jun 27, 2019 | On A Point Posts, People Making History
… How Toastmasters gave me a bulletIts wartime! Your comrade hands you a gun to shoot a charging enemy but as you pull the trigger, you realize there is no bullet! Imagine the trauma, confusion and despair! It is too late to take to your feet or to take cover and the...
by Linda | Feb 13, 2019 | #onestepforward, On A Point Posts
Outgoing! Bubbly! Talkative! Opinionated! These are all the boxes that l ticked and still it was not enough. Now one might think, hmmmm…… why would an outgoing and talkative (usually loud) person have any problems in asserting and articulating themselves especially...
by Linda | Jan 10, 2019 | On A Point Posts, People Making History
Three things that helped me deliver a killer presentation. “Just be yourself”” That’s the common advice people give when someone ask for tips in order to deliver an amazing presentation. I really used to believe that, all you have to do is just go up there and be...