by Linda | Mar 28, 2019 | #onestepforward, On A Point Posts
Get in the Game – Be a club where people make history I don’t know about you, but I work hard to earn my money and my time is precious to me. If I pay someone money, I expect excellent customer service. I want to know that my time and money have been well...
by Linda | Feb 28, 2019 | #onestepforward, On A Point Posts
Do you remember having to write that famous essay on “My Holiday”? Did you ever struggle to pen a story about that one holiday? Well, not me as I always visited my grandparents for the holidays. My grandparents live in a township called Chitungwiza, about...
by Linda | Dec 13, 2018 | On A Point Posts, People Making History
We live in a society where most people are invariably looking to make the next buck at any cost by hook or crook. Serving in Toastmasters over the last couple of months, has often meant having to explain to some people what the cost of being part of Toastmasters is,...
by edwina | Oct 4, 2018 | People Making History
Welcome to what I like to call “Mop up” month! Why do I say that? Your club has submitted their semi-annual dues for all the members that renewed before the deadline of September 30th but what about those that didn’t renew? Now is the time to mop up and improve your...
by Linda | Sep 27, 2018 | On A Point Posts, People Making History
This past week I was reminded why I have enjoyed being a part of this organisation. I experienced again an incredible sense of community that spans beyond borders and demographics. I would like to invite you to reflect on what it is that you are getting from...