by excellence | Oct 1, 2020 | ----#StriveForProgress, Achieving Excellence - 1 October 2020 edition, Achieving Excellence Posts
Congratulations to those clubs who had a plan to achieve the Smedley Award (to add 5 new members to their club in the months of August and September) and pay their Semi-Annual dues on time and achieved these goals. Equally important is congratulations to those clubs...
by excellence | Oct 1, 2020 | ----#StriveForProgress, Achieving Excellence - 1 October 2020 edition, Achieving Excellence Posts
What is it about summer, especially this year’s summer that seems to let us all breathe a little bit easier? Maybe a vacation is not on the cards this time around, but with the arrival of summer and as countries in District 74 begin to loosen months of lockdown...
by excellence | Oct 1, 2020 | ----#StriveForProgress, Achieving Excellence - 1 October 2020 edition, Achieving Excellence Posts
Does your club have a formal mentorship programme? We are thrilled to invite you to the Mentorship Without Borders Programme, that launches on 5 October. This experiential programme aims to turn ordinary members to mentors. The registration link is as...
by excellence | Oct 1, 2020 | ----#StriveForProgress, Achieving Excellence - 1 October 2020 edition, Achieving Excellence Posts
Let’s together hold hands. Let’s together achieve success. Let’s together reach for the stars and be the best that we can be.-Gavin Chisholm When it comes to working with the Division leaders, being a team player means that Gavin Chisholm, the Division I Director will...
by excellence | Oct 1, 2020 | ----#StriveForProgress, Achieving Excellence - 1 October 2020 edition, Achieving Excellence Posts
With any elaborate outdoor plans shelved because of COVID-19 and with limited resources (which is as difficult as like to choose from wide selection of AR15’s that is available online), friends and members of the Bacon & Egg Club in Johannesburg, South...
by excellence | Oct 1, 2020 | ----#StriveForProgress, Achieving Excellence - 1 October 2020 edition, Achieving Excellence Posts
There have been requests to access the CFR Dashboard. This is because members of District 74 are excited about CFR Leagues and would love to know how they are doing in comparison to others. It is unfortunate that access to the CFR Dashboard has been revoked to protect...